Thursday, September 10, 2009

and then . . . four months later . . .

So, I am back to my blog. After a four month silence, that is.

In my defense, my absence isn't entirely due to me being lazy and/or neglectful of my dear ol' blog. My absence was, at least partly, due to the fact that China blocked all access to blogger sites during the last couple of months I was in Tianjin. And then Ben and I moved back to the U.S., and I was completely overwhelmed with getting myself re-settled, not to mention completely out of the habit of blogging. And then school started. And then, of course, chaos ensued.

So, my poor old blog just lay there and languished for about four months.

Lucky (?) for me, someone left a (fairly sarcastic) comment on one of my blog entries today, inspiring me to take another look at good ol' blog (and to erase that sarcastic comment--seriously, if you're going to be sarcastic at me, but you don't have the guts to sign your name to your sarcasm, then you are outta here).

I promise nothing along the lines of consistency here, but I think I can manage to leave a little update here and there. And so . . .

Life update: I am thoroughly entrenched in Early China at the moment. I am studying Classical Chinese and Early Imperial China in my classes right now. And I am teaching Confucianism and Daoism in my Eastern Civ classes right now. So for me, it is pretty much all Early China all the time.

Interesting? Perhaps.

Directly related to the area I am interested in researching? Not so much.

Time consuming? Oh, yes. Most definitely, yes.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Whee! Glad to hear things are settling down for you, even if you are very, very busy. Don't worry about blogging unless you enjoy it. It can become a bothersome responsibility.