That's the message that comes up on my (purchased in Tianjin) electronic dictionary when the battery runs low: "Power Low: Please Electricize." Every time it happens, I get these images of Olivia Newton John in her little 1980's leotard, singing "Let's Get Physical." I guess in my mind, electricizing is something like aerobicizing. Ben, on the other hand, always starts humming the Electric Slide when I mention that it's time to "electricize" my dictionary.
Anyway, electricizing and exercising seem to be kind of a big deal around these parts. Especially exercise competitions. You may remember that last semester I participated in a "Sports Day" for foreign students. Well, we had another one of those just a couple weeks ago--the Spring semester version of the event. My camera was broken, so I didn't get any pictures, unfortunately, but let me assure you: much running, jumping, ball-bouncing, three-legged racing, and tug-of-warring fun was had by all.

Ben has recently been informed that he, too, will be participating in a teacher/student Sports Day for his school. He has been assigned to a team, and today he was given his official Meijiang School Sports Day T-shirt. He was so proud of it, when I came in the door this afternoon he just stood and pointed to it. Not that I could have missed it, even without his finger guiding my eyes to the appropriate place. It is bright, BRIGHT caution-orange. You might say it is electric. I guess we can be sure that Ben won't get lost while he's wearing it. Not that he can really get lost in a crowd around here, anyway. We both kind of tend to stand out in these parts.
1 comment:
Your bright message "electricized" my morning! The orange TIMS shirt even matches the bold print on your blog==so coordinated. I love the acronym. There is a famous math study called the TIMS study. I could go on, but enough. Thanks for the blog.
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