Tuesday, April 21, 2009

you know you've been in China awhile when . . .

1.) You're walking down the street, and you see a guy with a giant serrated knife tied to a long pole, which he is using to trim tree branches, and while it may be kind of weird, it's not the strangest thing you've seen this week. Not by far.

2.) You think to yourself that Mr. Pizza (Pizza for Women)'s strange Harvest Gold Pizza isn't bad. Not bad at all. Kind of tasty, in fact. Pumpkin-stuffed crust and all. In fact, it may be even better than their regular potato pizza (yes, there are two kinds of potato pizza. The regular one has potato, ham, onion, corn, mushrooms, and cheese in the crust--kind of boring, don't you think?).

3.) You are so used to reading "Chinglish" translations, it takes you a minute to realize that "Naked Shrimp" pizza is a pretty funny thing.


Dr. Nancy Champion Cartwright said...

Question? Can you replicate a pumpkin pizza in Burien?

Jan said...

I think you're acclimating. I'm not sure if I want to know what that pizza tastes like or not, but it's starting to bug me.

Dr. Nancy Champion Cartwright said...

Ok Erin, it is time to electricize the blog. I'm getting antsy for details:)