Wednesday, October 15, 2008

work it out!

I've been pretty active since I've been here in Tianjin. Life here necessarily requires a lot of walking and/or bike riding, (no car, you know) so I have some exercise naturally built into my daily schedule. However, thanks to the fact that I don't have to teach or do (much) research during the next year, I have a lot more free time here than I did in the U.S. As a result, I've been feeling like I really should take advantage of that time and do that thing. You know, the first thing I cut out of my schedule when I get busy? That thing that is so easy to talk myself out of doing? You know...that "exercise" thing.

So, tonight I went to the recreation center on campus with my friend and classmate, Juana. She told me about a week ago that, for just 88 yuan a month (about $12 USD), you can use any of the equipment, swim in the pool, and take any of the fitness classes offered every day of the week. I was interested, but a bit reluctant at first, but she finally convinced me to join her and check it out. Tonight we took advantage of the "boxing aerobics" (I'm not sure what it's called, but that's what I'm gonna call it) class that is offered every Wednesday night.

It was an interesting experience, and I regret the fact that I was not able to take any pictures. First of all, the class is, of course, taught in Chinese. I worried that this was going to be a problem. In fact, it wasn't a problem at all, because the music was playing so loudly, even if the class had been taught in English, I probably wouldn't have known what the instructor was saying. It didn't seem to matter much, though. The classroom was packed completely full of people who didn't really seem to know what was going on, but were bouncing around and wildly throwing punches in the air anyway. So, I just jumped right in. You know the saying: when in Rome . . . er, China.

I learned a few things tonight. First of all, I learned that, if any of the Chinese girls in that class got into a fist fight, they wouldn't stand a chance. But I also learned that I shouldn't worry about sticking out like a sore thumb in the gym here. I mean, I do stick out like a sore thumb--there's no way anyone is going to confuse me with a Chinese student--but at least I stick out in the gym the same way I stick out anywhere. Back home, I always worry that my general non-athletic-ness is going to draw a lot of attention in the gym, that people are going to take one look at me and say, "What is that clumsy girl doing stumbling around, jiggling, and sweating all over the place in here?" But here, everyone else is just going for it, no matter how silly they may look in the process, so I may as well go for it, too.

The third thing I learned is that there are also weekly yoga, aerobics, and belly dancing (!) classes at the rec center. I'm planning to go back on Friday night, so I'll let you know how it all turns out.

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