Wednesday, February 18, 2009

more trip pictures!

I just wanted to post out the new little slideshow gadget on my site--right there on the top left side. Pretty cool, eh? You can see all the pictures I haven't posted on my blog, as well as the ones I have.

The only downside is that I can include only one album of pictures at a time on the slideshow. Since I've divided my photos into albums based on which city they were taken in, I actually have several albums worth of photos, so I can't make them all visible in the slideshow at once. That's actually probably a good thing. If you sat through all the photos I took in the last four weeks, you'd be sitting there for quite a while.

If you're interested in seeing more pictures from our entire trip, you can see them here, in my account. I'm in the process of adding more (I took a TON of photos, so it's a long process), so please, check in later to see even more shots.

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