Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A lot of people have been coming into town for Sam and Zhou You's wedding (which is Wednesday evening), so we've been invited to a lot of events lately: dinner parties, all-day shopping extravaganzas, and bridal showers among them. In fact, all this celebrating has definitely limited my proclivity toward studying. I had a test this morning that I was less-than-well-prepared for. But it's worth it--how often do you get to participate in your own brother's wedding festivities (and in China, no less)?

I'm including a couple of photos of Sam and Zhou You, in honor of their quicky upcoming wedding. I really wish I could share their wedding photos (which I saw last night) with you. Wedding photos in China generally involve an entire day in the studio, and several costume changes, and Sam and Zhou You's photos are no exception. There are a couple in which Sam looks straight out of Saturday Night Fever--they're fantastic. But, alas, I don't have any of those to share. . . yet!

I will try to take (and post) plenty of pictures of the wedding. From what I hear, it should be quite a lively event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about the wedding! It's awesome that you get to spend time with your mom, and that you can all be together to celebrate.

Katie Eck