Thursday, September 25, 2008

update on the golden ticket

So, it turns out the receipt I thought was the right one was actually not my internet service receipt. It was a phone service receipt. So, the other day, when I was supposed to go pay the internet fee, I instead went with the plan I mentioned on the last post: I ate a couple of Oreos, and sat down, putting off the task.

Today, Ben finally put his foot down. We HAD to pay the internet service fee, or it would be turned off tomorrow. So, I screwed myself up, all ready to try to convince the people in the internet service office that they didn't really need an internet account number that I couldn't produce anyway, and that they could probably use a phone number, or an address, to look up our account.

Long story short: We went down there. I asked the woman behind the desk if the phone number was what they needed. She said yes, and looked up our account. And then she told us we didn't have to pay the bill until next month.


Guess it's time for another couple Oreos.

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